--> Abstract: The KU Reservoir Design Course: Teamwork Among Petroleum Engineering and Geology Students and Oil Operators, by Timothy R. Carr, Don W. Green, and Anthony W. Walton; #90067 (2007)
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The University of Kansas Reservoir Design Course: Teamwork Among Petroleum Engineering and Geology Students and Kansas Oil Operators 


Timothy R. Carr1, Previous HitDonTop W. Green2,  and Anthony W. Walton3.  (1) Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, Kansas  66047, (2) Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas  66045, (3) Department of Geology, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas  66045  [email protected]


The KU departments of Geology and Petroleum Engineering and Kansas Geological Survey have teamed up to train students of geology, geophysics, and petroleum engineering in reservoir characterization, production modeling, and production design. The course meets requirements for petroleum engineering and builds cooperation between geoscientists and engineers. Real data from operators along with publicly available data provide the materials for the course. Students work in teams using a subsurface GIS software package and other industry-quality software to construct a model of the reservoir including configuration, lithology, heterogeneity, fluid saturations, production, and pressure history. If available, the reservoir model is refined with 3D-reflection seismic data. The fluid-flow modeling segment of the class uses a black-oil simulator with input of production data and the reservoir model. On the basis of the models, students evaluate scenarios to optimize production and economic return.


In addition to the cross-disciplinary teamwork, the course has several significant aspects. First, unique resources available at KU were employed, including extensive electronic data files and diverse expertise. Scientists at KU have a long history of working together and can call on experts to lead discussions on particular topics. Second, each yearÕs class studies a different oil field. There are no canned exercises in which the faculty has a preferred solution. Third, operators provide real-world field data and are interested because the project is under consideration for investment. Finally, the students present their recommendations to the operators. The students are well prepared to move directly into industry positions. 


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90067©2007 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Wichita, Kansas